
By Mail: NYKT Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, 300 Pawling Ave., Troy, NY, 12180.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

February, 2012

  •  Alumni weekend 2012 is the weekend of April 27th - April 29th.
  • Friday we would love to welcome everyone at the house and then proceed to the annual Alumni versus Active Hockey game (rink and ice time TBD) Immediately following will be some late night activities

    Saturday will be a fun filled day of lawn sports and Barbecue hosted by the undergrads. Hope for great weather, to relax and catch up with other Alumni.

    Dinner will be at the Desmond Hotel, 660 Albany-Shaker Road, Colonie 12211

    Prices for the Dinner are as follows
    Alumni with no date $80
    Alumni with date $100
    Active FREE
    Active with date $35

    There will be an after party in the Tavern at the Desmond with drink specials, as well as one back in Troy

    There is also a block of rooms on reserve at the Desmond Hotel, the Pi Lambda Phi group rate is $125 per night, call 518-869-8100. They also offer complimentary shuttle service from the airport, for anyone flying in.
  • Pi Lambda Phi won the annual Pawling Cup football game vs. Alpha Epsilon Pi.  The final score was 21-14.